Why have a Medical?

Because prevention is better than cure. We offer a full head to toe examination with blood tests, an ECG and urinalysis for £600. This is often permitted as an ‘allowable expense’ for tax pueposes

Onward referral

If anything of concern does come to light during the course of the medical, a letter of onward referral will be written at no additional expense.


Follow Up Phone-call

Included in the fee is a follow-up phonecall in which the blood results from your test are interpreted and explained. Results typically come back within 2 working days, and include a Full Blood Count, Kidney and Liver Function, iron profile, bone profile, thyroid test, cholesterol/lipid tests and a diabetes test. Further tests can be added at an additional fee.

Full Written report

A full written summary report with findings and recommendations for your ongoing health is returned to you within two to three days typically.